반응형 성령의 인도61 나는 이제 너희들을 각각 특별한 방법으로 만나겠다 I Now Meet Each of You in a Special Way - Alan Carrico - 444 Prophecy News I Now Meet Each of You in a Special Way Jan 16, 2020 Alan Carrico Hello My son, this is Jehovah Elohim speaking with you this day. Oh My people, you have become fearful because you think I Am aloof and not caring what is happening to you, but this is error 444prophecynews.com 나는 이제 너희들을 각각 특별한 방법으로 만나겠다 앨런 캐리코-JAN 16, 202.. 2022. 1. 5. 나의 심판은 미국을 겸손하게 만들것이다 My Judgement will humble America - S.S. - 444 Prophecy News My Judgement will humble America 9 January 2020 S.S. Lord says ” My son listen to Me. This great nation which exalts itself will be humbled. This nation shall bear the pains of war. My Judgement will humble themselves. This is My Judgement to stiff ne 444prophecynews.com 나의 심판은 미국을 겸손하게 만들것이다 에스에스-9 JANUARY 2020 주님께서 말씀하셨다 "내 아들아 내 말을 들.. 2022. 1. 4. 미국이 추락하고 있다! AMERICA IS GOING DOWN! - Victoria Ang - 444 Prophecy News AMERICA IS GOING DOWN! 12/27/19 Victoria Ang For the past several days I have been having the same vision: In the vision I see tall buildings in a city (New York City) . As I watch this vision I see a crack in the bottom of the building . Then I see the cr 444prophecynews.com 미국이 추락하고 있다! 빅토리아 앵-12/27/19 지난 며칠 동안 나는 같은 환상을 받았다: 환상에서 나는 도시.. 2022. 1. 4. 국가들을 대항하는 심판의 법령 Judgement decreed against nations - S.S. - 444 Prophecy News Judgement decreed against nations Dec 10, 2019 10:53 PM S.S. 7 December 2019 Lord says ” Listen unto My voice, My son. Sooner or later all the things that you saw shall be broken and burned to ashes. Such decree is made for unpreventable judgement coming 444prophecynews.com 국가들을 대항하는 심판의 법령 에스에스-DEC 10, 2019 10:53 PM 2019년 12월 7일에 주님께서.. 2022. 1. 3. 이전 1 ··· 11 12 13 14 15 16 다음 반응형